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07967735244 809913



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Booking your practical test

If you require a lesson/my car on the day of your driving test
Please do NOT book your test: -

SHORTNOTICETESTS.COM JULY 30 Not A.M. AUGUST 1 Not P.M. 11 Not Any time 30 Not Any time SEPTEMBER 7-21 Not Any time OCTOBER 1 Not A.M. 15 Not Any time 23 Not Any time 28 Not Any time NOVEMBER 27 Not Any time DECEMBER 5 Not Any time 23-31 Not Any time MERRY CHRISTMAS JANUARY 1-3 Not Any time HAPPY NEW YEAR

If you are unsure, please give me a call (07967809913)
Please text me immediately you have made a booking (or obtained a cancellation)

You should book your practical test at www.gov.uk as soon as you pass your theory test. There is usually a long wait due to supply and demand! Some pupils find it easiest to book any where in the country for any date in the future then use an app ("testi") or a website ("speedytest") to swap for an earlier date at a local centre!!!!
When you book you will need the following:-

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